Today’s post is different. Today I simply wanted to offer some practical application for you to join the life movement. The next few lines will serve as an invitation and a challenge. I want to challenge you to support HOPE and the work we do day in and day out. I want to challenge you to think about life and think about your stance on it. I want to invite you to roll up your sleeves and get engaged in this life-work. I realize that some of you may be wondering how best to do that so…I have prepared a list for you. Post this list on your refrigerator, on your bathroom mirror, or anywhere else you may see it on a daily basis, and watch as God blows your mind.
1. Support HOPE with your prayers. We truly believe that we are called to this work. The Lord has done so much through this ministry and we know that there is more to come. We also know that we will surely fail if we do not saturate our work in His Word and prayer. We do not make decisions without going to Him. As a matter of fact, our day doesn’t even begin until after we pray as a staff. Please join us in that every morning at 8:30. Pray at your kitchen table, in your car, at your desk, in the shower, on your mower, on the treadmill…you get the point.
2. Support HOPE with your mouths. The days of whispering are over. We are prepared to boldly stand for life and we want you to join us. Tell your friends about HOPE. We are not satisfied with being “Knoxville’s best kept secret.” Let people know that we are here and we are ready and able to take this city back for life as we love and serve this community.
3. Support HOPE with your gifts. This always makes people feel uneasy: “There goes that Christian organization wanting my money again.” I get it. I understand your concern, but hear me when I say this, we cannot do what we do without your help. We cannot love our patients, provide services, or end abortion without supporters. The amount is up to you, but I challenge you to commit. Commit to one gift, any amount, every year. This is a great start into the world of philanthropy. Some of you, however, are prepared to do more than that. Maybe you want to sponsor one of our events, give at year end, or maybe you are like me and prefer a reoccurring gift and you want to set up automated monthly gifts. We applaud and welcome any of these options. Join the movement and watch as God transforms this city!
4. Support HOPE with your time. Are you a doer? Do you like getting your hands dirty? Do you appreciate deep, difficult conversations? Then HOPE is the place for you. We welcome volunteers to our team. There are a number of different options for you and we would love to get you plugged in. If this is something that interests you, then I would strongly encourage you to contact our office. We offer training and plenty of support so that you will be comfortable in your serving. Join us!
5. Support HOPE with your church. We have many amazing partnerships with churches in and around Knoxville. These partnerships, over the years, have proven to be truly a God send. We would love to see these partnerships increase. We would love to see more churches join the movement. The amazing part about these partnerships is the vast abilities that are brought. One church can meet every need you see above. Most of the churches on our team pray for us, tell others about HOPE, give of their money, and certainly give their time. We want to see this number grow and we want to see this city stand together in one Christian voice for life. What a day of rejoicing that will be!!
The celebration of life will not happen overnight, but with your support and God’s provision, we can do great things in Knoxville. I am excited about what is in store for our future and I am excited about meeting you when you come and visit us to join the movement. Hope to hear from you soon. Here, I will make it easy:
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